Friday, March 16, 2007

meal times

Meal times have gotten progressively more interesting as Carson's conversation skills grow. Especially breakfast. Carson seems to wake up telling me a story or some interesting little thing, and always seems to make me laugh even when he's not trying to.
But there is a downside to all this table top fun, with all the chatting going on, my little guy has gotten slower and slower at finishing his food. its gotten to the point that it will take him an hour or more at any given meal time if he isn't called on it. So, as a last-ditch effort on my part to be able to leave the dining room within at least 45 minutes of beginning a meal, I decided to challenge Carson to a race. We've been "racing" for a few weeks now, with no real prize for finishing your food first, at least nothing but bragging rights- which he is doing pretty well by now I should add.
Wednesday morning Carson looks at me with a mischievous look in his eye and says "I'm gonna beat you! I'm gonna win!"
I said "you're ON."
Carson says: "No, your off and I'M ON."
ahh the mind of a three year old...

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