Saturday, September 29, 2007

Birthday fun

Here is Carson at his cousin's birthday party. he loves birthday parties and can't wait until he has his next birthday party. we did temporary tattoos, and Carson wanted three on each arm. they are gone now and he is quite disappointed.
Carson visited his grandparents for the weekend while we were away, and got to go to a bible study with Grandma. before they went in, Grandma told him and Logan that they were to play nicely and behave themselves. once they got in there, there were some other kids playing, so she thought it would be best for them to sit on the couch for a while instead of getting too excited playing. After a few minutes of patient waiting Carson leaned over and asked:
"why did you say that we get to play nicely if we don't get to play at all?"

Yeah, I'm awesome.

Carson and Logan have been sick, so we took them to the doctors to get checked out. They get on the scale to be weighed, and Carson goes first. The nurses tell him that he did a great job, and he smiles and says "thanks."
Logan gets on the scale and hops to see what happens. Then he pulls on the pole and makes himself heavier and then lighter, and then he stomps each foot... finally after getting a semi-accurate weight on him, we tell him he's all done.
"see? I DID it!" he proclaimed for the whole office to hear, smiling from ear to ear and celebrating himself excitedly.
"yes, you did" one nurse told him.
"you did awesome!" another nurse praised.
"see? I'm AWESOME." Logan said, doing a little dance.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

its fall already?

well, the summer has flown by with so many things going on it seemed impossible to sit and write it all down... and now its nippy outside and beach days are gone! We had a few great trips this summer, camping with my family in Maine, to a wedding in New Jersey, and a few trips to local beaches... we also had a trip to the hospital overnight with Logan, who had an asthmatic attack, brought on by a virus, he was so cute in his little johnny shirt and saying "thank you" to everything the doctors and nurses did for him. He even said thank you after getting a painful IV in his arm, tears welling in his eyes and all. He had a few nurses crying right along with him!
We've been doing a lot of reading lately, and Carson has picked up on the fact that too much TV is no good, and junk food is terrible for you. I tried to give him and his brother Veggie chips the other day (they are organic and made with vegetables, not too junky) and he refused. he accepted a glass of water, and then finally told me he was really hungry and could he have something else? I told him that he already had a snack in front of him, and he could eat that. his face fell as he said "but that's junk food... and I don't eat junk food!" I explained that these were healthy, so he ate the rest of the bag.
Nathan and I are heading to Maine this weekend for a wilderness camping experience... we'll only have electricity for 3 hours every evening apparently. I'm bringing every sweater and pair of socks I own... maybe even a snowsuit for night time, we'll see. its getting so cold- and I don't want to be done with summer yet!
The kids are excited to be spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, Carson started packing the minute I told him about it.
it seems that there is much much more to write about, but that will have to come another time.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

summer fun

Logan and I watching Carson and daddy on the schoolbus ride- Logan was terrified that they were so high up, but tried to hold back his tears while we looked on.