Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fall fun in Boston

I have finally scanned in some of the pictures that I only had paper copies of, so I decided to post an older one- Logan is so bald here!! His hair didn't grow until a few months after his first birthday, but its so easy to forget just how bald he was... I'm glad I got some pictures
This picture was taken in a small park in Boston, just down the street where Nathan works, and just across from Quincey Market. My mom, Sarah myself and the boys all took the train into the city, and that was pretty much the highlight of the trip for Carson and Logan both, also more relaxing for us. I am still not a fan of Boston driving... unless its in the middle of the night when there aren't too many cars on the highway. I'll learn soon though!!

1 comment:

Shanilie said...

Love the pics. Glad you can scan some of the older ones now. After I got my digital 2 yrs ago I started saving all of my pictures on cd's and have then color coded and organized by date. I find it so hard remembering how old Jacob was looking back at his older pictures but this way I will always know.

I also went and scanned every picture that was taken of us before we ever got together. Some day I may even scan the rest of the pictures in my own baby book! lol I know, I am too organized for my own good. I have 2 overloaded filing cabinets and I need another one. I would LOVE to someday have a 4-6 drawer tall one in our future office, but till then we can only afford the 2 drawer ones. I don't think I have ever thrown out a pay stub, bank statement or receipts in years. When the mail comes, I always seem to have a stack pile up daily that I need to file. Anyway, have a good weekend.