Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fall fun in Boston

I have finally scanned in some of the pictures that I only had paper copies of, so I decided to post an older one- Logan is so bald here!! His hair didn't grow until a few months after his first birthday, but its so easy to forget just how bald he was... I'm glad I got some pictures
This picture was taken in a small park in Boston, just down the street where Nathan works, and just across from Quincey Market. My mom, Sarah myself and the boys all took the train into the city, and that was pretty much the highlight of the trip for Carson and Logan both, also more relaxing for us. I am still not a fan of Boston driving... unless its in the middle of the night when there aren't too many cars on the highway. I'll learn soon though!!

Sarah and Carson at the same park- both photogenic as always!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

everyday banter

this morning Carson and I were playing baseball, while Logan was entertaining himself and everyone else with his antics. after tossing a ball at Carson and hitting him in the face accidentally, Logan realized the danger of this sport of baseball, and left the room. He returned a minute later with his foam chair on his head, thinking he was pretty smart. I started to laugh, and then heard what Carson had to say about it and really lost it - "Logan just wants to be the Chairman..." there is more of his Papa in him than anyone realizes I think!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Carson and pilgrim's progress

While I was teaching a few students last night, Nathan and his friend Asa were watching the kids, and had stopped to get a kids movie from the christian book store on the way home. They got a pilgrim's progress cartoon.
The kids were very attentive (from what I could tell in the next room that is) and sure enough, as soon as Carson was alone with me he asked in a strange voice:
"mommy, are we going to hell?"
I wasn't quite sure what to say at first, so I paused for a second, and heard his little voice again:
"Did you hear me? I said, are we going to go to hell?"
so I thought for a minute and figured that he at the ripe age of 3 might as well hear the biblical truth of the matter. so I said, "well, Carson, the Bible tells us that we are born separated from God, and if we don't do anything about it then yes, we are going to go to hell."
"Oh." Carson said.
I thought I should finish the story though, and kept going. "We need to have a change happen in us if we are going to be in God's family, we have to love God more than anything, and want to do what God wants us to do. So if we have God as our father, we will obey him. and if we are in his family, we will go to heaven, not to hell. Because Jesus took our spanking when he died for us."
"well," Carson said, "I love God, sooo..."
"and God loves you, and so do I. good night" I said, kissed him and put him to bed. I hope he keeps up this inquisitiveness, and I hope that I have the right words to tell him biblical truths as he is ready to hear them, its a lot harder than I thought it would be putting things in 3 year old terms!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the little drummer boy

This morning Carson discovered a new use for used straws- drum sticks! he began drumming on a short table, so I decided to give him a real set of drum sticks to try. (I had them from the few short weeks that I took drum lessons.)
Carson counted up "one, two, three and four..." and began his beat. Logan was dancing beside him- he'll will dance to anything, and has great rhythm, he must get that from Daddy, cause its certainly not from me !
Carson was remembering back to the worship band days at our last church, and said "okay everyone, we're in church, could you please take Logan to the nursery?" and then started breaking into sing-song counting- "one, two, three, fifteen, eleventeen..."
who knows. maybe we'll have a family band someday... Carson seems destined to play the drums, that is his instrument of choice. He also wants to learn to play the piano, and guitar, I guess we'll have to see what he's interested in when he is old enough to take lessons for real!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Logan's words

Logan has recently begun to speak more and more, and over the past two weeks his vocabulary seems to be including anything you try to get him to say! He does have a few adorable little phrases that I need to mark down lest I forget them, excuse the weird spellings I'm going to use, if you've got little ones you'll probably recognize them and smile as you remember your own saying the very same thing!
"Hewwow?" (hello) "Bye!!" -which is always accompanied with a pudgy little hand waving
"Pless?" (please) "Da-doo" (thank you)
"Its STUCK!" (says this to everything!)
"Up," "Out," "MUUah" (kissing sound he ALWAYS makes as he smacks me a good one...)
"Daddy, Mom, or Mommy, Nanna, Mamma" (for grandma, I hope that one sticks its so cute)
"OHhh No," "Ohh Man!" " Oh boy"
this one just in "Jerk" as he came running to grandma crying after being ignored by brother and uncle, we don't know if he really said that or not, but it was funny anyways.
"all done"
" I luv you."
"I dunNo"
"juice" "wawa" (water) "bahbo" (bottle)
"Oh BABY!!"
"AMEN" this one is sometimes proceeded by a gibberish prayer, in which I can hear "God" or "bless" sometimes, a few times I've heard "body" ... Carson's prayers go something like this in the morning- "thank you God for the food, and bless our bodies, Amen" so funny having these ages in the house during meal times -for the most part...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Carson and Logan

Well, I realized recently that I have been doing a terrible job at keeping up with the growth of my children. I'm making an attempt to write down all the funny things that Carson and Logan both do and say, and then I'll actually have something to write in a baby book when I finally get around to making one!
Here are Carson and Logan, on March 16th, Carson decided he wants to be a model, so he asked me to take some pictures of him. Logan is more into holding the camera himself, and as you can see is already on his way to get it from me... fun times.

Friday, March 16, 2007

meal times

Meal times have gotten progressively more interesting as Carson's conversation skills grow. Especially breakfast. Carson seems to wake up telling me a story or some interesting little thing, and always seems to make me laugh even when he's not trying to.
But there is a downside to all this table top fun, with all the chatting going on, my little guy has gotten slower and slower at finishing his food. its gotten to the point that it will take him an hour or more at any given meal time if he isn't called on it. So, as a last-ditch effort on my part to be able to leave the dining room within at least 45 minutes of beginning a meal, I decided to challenge Carson to a race. We've been "racing" for a few weeks now, with no real prize for finishing your food first, at least nothing but bragging rights- which he is doing pretty well by now I should add.
Wednesday morning Carson looks at me with a mischievous look in his eye and says "I'm gonna beat you! I'm gonna win!"
I said "you're ON."
Carson says: "No, your off and I'M ON."
ahh the mind of a three year old...

Look whos growing up too fast

we seem to have mostly close-ups of Logan. He's always in the middle of the action, and posing just doesn't seem to be as fun for him as looking in the view finder!

You truely are Mr Incredible

Carson loves his cartoons, but his most favorite movie of all is The Incredibles, which he has pretty much memorized.
He'll randomly quote lines from the movie like "You sly dog! you caught me monologuing!" as he jumps on his bed and points his imaginary remote control at me. Or like the other night go into a longer speech : "that was Amazing! I'm still wigging out about it! I was right to idolize you. first you hide under a super... (here he lost his train of thought for a second) break in single handedly, and then you have to ruin the ride by calling for help. LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME!! Who did you contact???!!" during his whole speech, Carson was doing all the correct hand and body movements, and putting heart and soul into his performance. So cute. too bad only mommy saw it and didn't have a video camera to catch it...

boys and basketball...

Carson has been trying to learn how to catch a ball, and here he is being coached by Daddy. I think he may have only caught 2 out of 50 tosses or so, but it was a start!
Logan had more fun smiling for the camera than playing basketball for this brief moment in time, but usually he's stealing the ball from brother and dunking. he's as competitive as daddy is already, and he's not even 1&1/2 yet... I am wondering what the future has in store for these two !