"Wook at DAT!"
"mommy, your my BEST Fwend."
"daddy- you wanna piece-a-me?"
"Cahson, can't catch me!!"
"I peed a Dora and Boots." (wearing a Dora pullup and forgot to use the potty)
"I play baskaball, football touchdown, SEE YA! soccah..."
"its a beautiful day to go beach..." (mommy) "REaLLY?" "NOOH! silly..."
" lets pray. pray DADDY, pray Cahson, Nana, Papa, Daniel, Gwandma, Gwandpa, Mommy, Daddy, Daniel...Daddy, Asa, Natalie...."
"can we read SolomonJohn?"
"I wanna tell you a joke. actually TWO jokes.
I'd like three crabby patties with a drink and TWO STUPIDS!!"
"heres another one. I'm so funny I CRACK MYSELF UP!!"
"thanks mom. you're the best of the best."
"thanks auntie Natalie for the gift. Auntie Natalie? you know what would make me feel really really happy? even more happy than this? MORE PRESENTS."
"Logan, you are completely destructive. you destruct EVERYTHING."
"mom, when we move we can get a dog. lets get a new house this week."
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