so it has been a fun week. Carson has decided he can do anything he believes that he can do- telling me that he's telling me the truth and will prove it to me if I'll just take him to the north pole to go skating. or just to an ice rink. that would work too.
he has decided that he likes to talk on the phone and just spent over an hour on the phone with my parents. BY HIMSELF. yeah. no kidding.
He's also been asking for a skateboard for a very long time, every day he prays for one, and he asks me every morning if we could just buy one so that we can go skateboarding together.
He went to my room to watch cartoons in my bed one cold morning while the heat was warming the place up... he saw his hotwheels skateboard peeking out of the closet... and then thought that it was dad's! he excitedly showed me the coolest thing that Daddy owns, pointing from afar and saying that it was amazing that it came with knee pads and everything. he said "Mom, I wish I had a cool skateboard just like daddy's. then we could go skateboarding TOGETHER."
apparently he hasn't put the fact that his birthday is a week away and that he's never seen daddy skateboard before in his life... hopefully he'll still be surprised.
Logan is potty training in full force- on his own! I'll help him onto the potty whenever I think of it, but whenever he has the urge to go now he just takes his little self over to the big potty and maneuvers himself onto it and does his business. I think that the draw for him is the toilet paper. we've gone through many many rolls in the past few days... :) we've had some talks though, and now he is using less. he also pretends to be blowing his nose every time I catch him with some in his hand as well. he says "I blow my nose." with a cheeky grin as he flushes it down.
We're also in learning mode with Carson, who is starting to sound out letters and putting them into words. he read the word "fun" and "ball" and "look" today, and spelled "cat" "bat" "rat" and "fat" the other day... all with only a little help from me! I was so proud of my little guy.
so now to get myself into holiday mode and finish up some shopping... or at least get some good ideas formulated ?...
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