I just have photos from outside after my recital, these flowers were from a student of mine, who was so thoughtful to get them for me.
The day started roughly with me forgetting the tag on my shirt all the way into the pew in church... whoops... but it got much nicer with a lunch that had been prepared for us, and with a large crowd showing up for the recital. 62 people in all came, and all ten performers did well. we had some refreshments afterwards in the foyer, and everyone commented on how well the recital went. I was happy, because I've never planned and executed anything on my own.
So I'm feeling much more confident and actually looking forward to next years recital, knowing that it really ISN'T that hard!
and I got some great pics from my friend Sheila of Carson after the program!
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okay.... get rid of those weirdo comments!
i love Carson, that kid is hilarious! the prayer and the white bones: priceless.
hope you guys are doing well. i pray for your family regularly.
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