Carson and Logan have been sick, so we took them to the doctors to get checked out. They get on the scale to be weighed, and Carson goes first. The nurses tell him that he did a great job, and he smiles and says "thanks."
Logan gets on the scale and hops to see what happens. Then he pulls on the pole and makes himself heavier and then lighter, and then he stomps each foot... finally after getting a semi-accurate weight on him, we tell him he's all done.
"see? I DID it!" he proclaimed for the whole office to hear, smiling from ear to ear and celebrating himself excitedly.
"yes, you did" one nurse told him.
"you did awesome!" another nurse praised.
"see? I'm AWESOME." Logan said, doing a little dance.
Aww, what a sweetie!
such a cutie!
such a cutie!
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