We decided to take the kids for a walk the other evening - it was a beautiful evening, the trees lining our street are all blossoming, in fact there are so many blooms outside at this time of year the air smells like honeysuckle. (or what I THINK honeysuckle smells like...)
So we loaded up in our double stroller and took a hike a few blocks up to Friendlies where we got chocolate brownie sundays, and shared with the kids. By the time we got back to the house, the kids were on the sugar high of their little lives! They ran around the backyard chasing each other and yelling for me to follow. Carson decided that he was a bandit and that I couldn't catch him. he yelled "yippi oh, yippi eh! I'm a BANDIT!" and laughed as he ran around the bush in our backyard for the 150th time. Pictured here is Logan, being himself eating Carson's "gun" stick, which led to another chase, tackle and wrestling match. good times. but it may be a while before we get them more ice cream!
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