My children have a favorite activity whenever near any body of water- including puddles. Tossing rocks into it and watching it splash. But this time we had some trouble teaching Logan how to do it properly. He started out like a champ, finding the biggest and best rocks and trying to beat Carson to it, but soon started grabbing entire handfuls of sand and rock mixed... and one minute into the adventure he had already nailed mom in the eye... sand doesn't go well in the eyes, as we all know, so mom wasn't so impressed. Carson took it upon himself at that moment in time to help mom remind Logan that "we only throw one rock at a time!" and he faithfully kept up his policing duties until the time we left. And, I am happy to report, Logan has learned well and did a dandy job of rock-tossing for the rest of the afternoon. Carson is now looking forward to the day that he'll be able to have his own fishing pole and catch a "big striped one, and a little one, and a really really big one" for grandma.
Oh, and Carson is pictured here, tossing "just one rock" that was aimed at the creek, and instead tagged Logan straight in the back... but he apologized profusely and Logan just laughed. I guess in some ways they do play extremely well together!!!
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