Saturday, April 28, 2007
yeah... not surprisingly I caught what Logan had a few days ago, and I'm telling you it WASN'T fun!! I was up most of Thursday night sick with the flu, and of course, as is now normal for me, passing out at the worst times! So yesterday I went to the doctors to see what is going on and if there is something that I can do to prevent myself from fainting whenever I get sick. Apparently it is a nerve called the vegalvegal nerve that prompts people to pass out, and with my low blood pressure (its a healthy blood pressure, just on the low side) whenever I get sick I end up fainting on the floor. So after an EKG, and a hemoglobin count check, we found out that I'm fine... and the only thing that I was told that MAY help is for me to start drinking coffee and eating more salt... yeah I know- whaaatt? its been shown to work in some cases. So next thursday I am scheduled to go in and get some more tests done to make sure my heart is fine, I'm having a 24 hour harness on to monitor my heart activity, as well as having an eco-cardiogram performed... I'm sure everything is fine, but I'm still annoyed that there is nothing that can be done to prevent me from fainting on the floor every time I come down with the flu! Although, I do need to be thankful that there isn't something seriously wrong with me, I guess its all in our perspective of the situation isn't it?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Poor Logan...

Logan has been sick with a flu bug, and it is heartbreaking to watch him feel so terrible!!
Yesterday after a two hour nap, I finally woke Logan up, and discovered that he was so tired because he was feeling sick. from that moment on, it was one big cuddle for me until I put him to bed that night. He looked at me with his puppy eyes and said "I stuck" which I assume meant that he was feeling sick, and lounged on my lap for a few hours before falling asleep in my arms... I love watching babies sleep! I felt that this was quite a nice day even though Logan was sick, because he was so still and cuddly... and didn't destroy one thing that day! oh, the joys of having a brute of a 17 month old in the house!
Yogurt Raisins
once again, at the breakfast table, Carson and I were discussing the intricacies of life.
what does raisins start with" he asked.
"R" I said.
"what does black raisins and yogurt raisins start with?" he asked. I answered him at first wondering about the yogurt raisins and then remembering that they are the coated ones that taste a little like white chocolate.
"when did you have yogurt raisins?" I asked him
"at Nana and Papa's house, Aunt Sarah bought them." he said, "and I ate all of them, a whole bunch. yeah, but they made me sick. they made me throw up. " to this he nodded his head with pursed lips reliving the pain of the experience. Then he sat straight up with a worried expression on his face and quickly added "It was the raisins that made me throw up- not the people. Not Nana and Papa and Sarah and Daniel. just the raisins. yeah." ... thanks for sharing, Carson... :)

"R" I said.
"what does black raisins and yogurt raisins start with?" he asked. I answered him at first wondering about the yogurt raisins and then remembering that they are the coated ones that taste a little like white chocolate.
"when did you have yogurt raisins?" I asked him
"at Nana and Papa's house, Aunt Sarah bought them." he said, "and I ate all of them, a whole bunch. yeah, but they made me sick. they made me throw up. " to this he nodded his head with pursed lips reliving the pain of the experience. Then he sat straight up with a worried expression on his face and quickly added "It was the raisins that made me throw up- not the people. Not Nana and Papa and Sarah and Daniel. just the raisins. yeah." ... thanks for sharing, Carson... :)
Monday, April 23, 2007
gone fishin'

It was a gorgeous day on sunday, so we decided to go fishing. After searching out the nearest lakes online, we commenced on a car trip around our town, finding lakes, swamps, creeks, and finally, the perfect little fishing spot. On the other side of the street from where this picture was taken is a beautiful lake, but I forgot to bring my camera over there, and decided that this little creek was safer for the kids to play at anyways. Its amazing how entertained a little bit of water will keep two kids, they had an awesome time while Daddy and Asa were fishing. I was going to fish too, but its a little difficult with two children, so I ended up just watching them, and enjoyed my day just as much as they did!
just one at a time

My children have a favorite activity whenever near any body of water- including puddles. Tossing rocks into it and watching it splash. But this time we had some trouble teaching Logan how to do it properly. He started out like a champ, finding the biggest and best rocks and trying to beat Carson to it, but soon started grabbing entire handfuls of sand and rock mixed... and one minute into the adventure he had already nailed mom in the eye... sand doesn't go well in the eyes, as we all know, so mom wasn't so impressed. Carson took it upon himself at that moment in time to help mom remind Logan that "we only throw one rock at a time!" and he faithfully kept up his policing duties until the time we left. And, I am happy to report, Logan has learned well and did a dandy job of rock-tossing for the rest of the afternoon. Carson is now looking forward to the day that he'll be able to have his own fishing pole and catch a "big striped one, and a little one, and a really really big one" for grandma.
Oh, and Carson is pictured here, tossing "just one rock" that was aimed at the creek, and instead tagged Logan straight in the back... but he apologized profusely and Logan just laughed. I guess in some ways they do play extremely well together!!!
rubber boots don't really keep the water out...!

... at least not when you are knee deep in water.
Logan was so enthralled with the rocks and water, he would throw a rock out into the creek and then go to get it... by the time we were ready to leave and I took his little boots off there was about 2 cups of water in each one! he didn't seem to mind one bit though.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
"when I grow up" by Carson
Another morning at the breakfast table discussing the intricacies of life with my talkative son, this time I was listening to every word. Over the weekend Carson had a great opportunity to spend time with his Grandma and Grandpa, and take a trip to New Jersey to see Aunt Rachael and Uncle Jeff, and together they all took a trip to NYC. (weird when your three year old son has seen more of the world than you have... !) So by the time I got to New Bedford to pick him up, Carson had had so much fun that he wanted to stay overnight just once more. So he ended up staying until Monday night. Now, four days away from your little one can seem like a lot, so I kind of expected him to feel the same way, but once again he cried to stay at Grandmas again. this time no one gave in, and he cried for about half an hour until we were alone in the car. Then he sang about 5 words to the song that was playing "Holy is the Lord God Almighty" okay, 6 words to be exact... and promptly fell asleep, and stayed asleep when I put him to bed after arriving home.
So by the time this morning came, I was excited to spend time with my oldest boy, and that's when we got on the topic of Cars. He found some stickers in a drawer that the doctor had given us the other day, and he proceeded to stick them on top of each other to save room on the paper on which they were sticking. They were pictures of race cars, and one of them was overlapping onto tigger's leg. "uhhoh," Carson said, "that sticker is on tigger's foot."
"Uhhoh." I repied, "I bet that hurts!"
"yeah, only its just a little car, and its just a sticker so I guess its okay." Carson said. My goodness, I think, have I already forgotten that his reasoning skills are more advanced than this? has it really only been four days? Then Carson says:
"little cars you can throw, but big cars crash and catch on fire. and if a big car gets on your foot it would hurt."
"yes" I said, noticing that Carson is reassuring me that my point was valid, "yes it would hurt. and it might even break your foot, so that's why we don't get too close."
"well," Carson thought for a second, "That's why I'm going to eat all of my food and GROW UP to be a big STRONG man, and then I can throw big cars and break THEM!"
So by the time this morning came, I was excited to spend time with my oldest boy, and that's when we got on the topic of Cars. He found some stickers in a drawer that the doctor had given us the other day, and he proceeded to stick them on top of each other to save room on the paper on which they were sticking. They were pictures of race cars, and one of them was overlapping onto tigger's leg. "uhhoh," Carson said, "that sticker is on tigger's foot."
"Uhhoh." I repied, "I bet that hurts!"
"yeah, only its just a little car, and its just a sticker so I guess its okay." Carson said. My goodness, I think, have I already forgotten that his reasoning skills are more advanced than this? has it really only been four days? Then Carson says:
"little cars you can throw, but big cars crash and catch on fire. and if a big car gets on your foot it would hurt."
"yes" I said, noticing that Carson is reassuring me that my point was valid, "yes it would hurt. and it might even break your foot, so that's why we don't get too close."
"well," Carson thought for a second, "That's why I'm going to eat all of my food and GROW UP to be a big STRONG man, and then I can throw big cars and break THEM!"
Monday, April 16, 2007
how many times can kids run around the block?

Mom's house has a pathway around in a square "block" formation, and the kids had a ball running around it. I thought they would never stop! Here they are racing- Carson is about to leap an obstacle, and Logan is trying to push him into it I think... he's pretty cute but he is a bully!
oh, for all of you who haven't seen this house, its Mom and Dad's hallway in Sussex.
Our Trip to Sussex

we spent Easter at my parents house in Sussex, NB and had a great time while there. Thankfully we got in on saturday evening, because by the time sunday morning came, there was so much snow on the ground that we could barely get out of the driveway! Apparently snow tires really do work, because the car that had them on (dad's) made it to church and the one that didn't (ours) didn't even make it back in the driveway after a failed attempt to brave the streets. So, much to Carson's disappointment, we didn't make it to church- church is Carson's favorite place to be- instead we had a private bible study in mom's living room. We had a lot of fun while visiting Nana and Papa, my favorite part was getting to sleep in until 10 am, waking from time to time and hearing the kids play with their Nana. (she spoils me so much when I'm there... thanks mom! I LOVE it!)
I feel bad that we didn't get to see everyone that we had wanted to on our trip, but sometimes the days are just to short to fit everything in!! I guess that's why we've got phones and blog spots to keep in touch as well.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
fish catching fun!

Carson had a great time at the creek, he was daring enough to get down by the water with daddy, but not quite daring enough to hold the fish when daddy asked him. Although as soon as we were in the car ready to leave he changed his mind and told me that he was sad that he didn't get to hold a fish. Carson changes his mind more often now, it is kind of funny to hear him say something you know that he hasn't thought about yet- like "no, I don't want to play with playdough," and then watch him cock his head to one side as he walks away as if to ask himself what he has just done... then three minutes later he reappears and says "Mommy, actually I do want to play with playdough, I changed my mind. is that okay?" funny little guy.
Not so little Logan

I had such a hard time catching Logan looking at the camera! Asa actually felt the need to direct his head in my general direction because there was so many more exciting things to see! Logan had a great time looking at the water and saying "yook! Wawa!" (translation: "look, water.") in his cute little man voice. I also let him walk on a trail, but Logan still has a terrible habit of trying to eat anything his hands touch, and there were a lot of "nature things" that I didn't want in his little mouth, so he was only allowed out of our arms for about 5 minutes of the hour plus that we were there. Logan is getting better at walking on uneven ground, but is still pretty unstable, hopefully his little feet will correct themselves soon. But he is doing great with his vocal skills, he tries to sing, and repeats almost anything we ask him to. we're having fun watching him grow up!
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