"I put the crayon in your purse, because Logan had it in his mouth and I saw him. it was like a tongue tattoo." -after attempting to let Logan color with him.
"daddy, I'm on your team. it'll be great. yo ho ho, go cowboys!" (they teamed up on me with the squirt guns)
"proverbs 1:8, My son, hear the instruction of your father, and don't forsake the law of your mother. " - it took about 5 minutes of solid repetition, but he got it!!
"mommy, you look good today." Carson said. I said "awwh, thanks hun. that's so sweet." Logan leans over and touches Carson's arm and says: "good boy."
"hey, dudes!"
"free DVD" (Carson saw the advertisement on a cereal box for a free dvd, so that's what he calls it, Logan keeps asking for "more free DVD!!"
"I'm juicey." this is Logan's way of telling me he's thirsty and wants juice... he just kind of blends them together!
Logan's new thing this week is greeting every single stranger that he crosses paths with. he'll stick his little hand as high in the air as it can go, and cheerfully call out "Heyyoh! HI!" (hello, hi) and if the person doesn't respond, Logan simply calls louder "HI!" with a bigger wave... this process continues until the person Logan is trying to communicate with finally notices and says hello back. to which Logan smiles like his mission is accomplished and keeps on his way.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
blazing heat- defined
We had a great trip to Canada, thanks to my parent's hospitality, and my mother in law accompanying me, Cathy's amazing community breakfast, and Erin and Gene's hosting skills. we did a lot of fun things, but the best part was just spending time with family and friends. We arrived back home without the hoopla of the trip down. (one missed turn and a VERY late arrival... resulting in 911 calls by my parents, and a few calls to the Maine State troopers... once again mom, I apologize if I am the cause of any ulcers or cardiac stress ! )
Now that we are back home, we find ourselves in the middle of a terrific heat wave. the weather has been amazing- for those who live on a lake, or have air conditioning in every room of their house, that is. the thermometer was reading 95 degrees , and that was at the beach which was much cooler!! Yesterday I took the kids to the beach with my friend Sheila and her three adorable kids. I have some cute pictures that are being stubborn and not transferring to my computer, once I have that hitch figured out I'll be displaying them proudly online.
Today, another scorcher, trapped us inside our house for the afternoon, but finally when we spotted a breeze picking up outside we decided to try for a water fight with our family of squirt guns that we had picked up for precisely this occasion.
I, however, had not considered the possibility that my boys would ALL gang up on me and drench me from the very top strand of hair on my head down to the bruised foot I got from attempting to wrestle away a gun from my much stronger hubby... :) good times. The kids ended up jumping in their little kiddie pool- Logan ended up exploding his huggies diaper from jumping repeatedly on his bottom in the pool for a reaction from mom and dad. he really will do anything for a laugh that one!!
anyways, we just found out that this is subway's customer appreciation day, so we are headed out to subway for a free six inch sub with purchase of a drink. :)
Now that we are back home, we find ourselves in the middle of a terrific heat wave. the weather has been amazing- for those who live on a lake, or have air conditioning in every room of their house, that is. the thermometer was reading 95 degrees , and that was at the beach which was much cooler!! Yesterday I took the kids to the beach with my friend Sheila and her three adorable kids. I have some cute pictures that are being stubborn and not transferring to my computer, once I have that hitch figured out I'll be displaying them proudly online.
Today, another scorcher, trapped us inside our house for the afternoon, but finally when we spotted a breeze picking up outside we decided to try for a water fight with our family of squirt guns that we had picked up for precisely this occasion.
I, however, had not considered the possibility that my boys would ALL gang up on me and drench me from the very top strand of hair on my head down to the bruised foot I got from attempting to wrestle away a gun from my much stronger hubby... :) good times. The kids ended up jumping in their little kiddie pool- Logan ended up exploding his huggies diaper from jumping repeatedly on his bottom in the pool for a reaction from mom and dad. he really will do anything for a laugh that one!!
anyways, we just found out that this is subway's customer appreciation day, so we are headed out to subway for a free six inch sub with purchase of a drink. :)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Window Shopping- prudential style!
So today I met up with my friend Ashley (who is moving to Washington State in a few days *sniff*, but such is the life of a coastie wife, right??)
so we took the subway from the north side, over to the prudential section of Boston- and went to the ritziest mall ever... just for kicks we took the kids into a few shops that we wanted to window shop in- Tiffany's, Gucci, Coach, Louis Vatton, Sac's Fifth Ave, etc. the prices blew me away- can you believe that some people out there in the world will spend over $400 on a TANK TOP? we're talking about a tank top that looked like it should cost $5 tops. I found a dress that was so cute at Gucci- only to find the price dramatically reduced and still waay out of my price range- $1,995. for a SUNDRESS!! we were checking out the shoes, and admiring the extravagant colors and styles, when Carson realized the buzz was all about shoes.
So he sat down on a stool, and posed his sneaker (dirty and untied as it was) right beside a polished leather stiletto (yeah- over a grand for that one too) and said
"oh, its so cute!"
I guess after hearing mommy and Ashley shopping, this was the comment that the kids picked up on as being universally accepted as the thing to say.
We stopped on our walk back from the train to meet daddy and Shawn (Ashley's husband) at the base, and got some ice cream at the world renowned Mikes pastry shop- the best ice cream I've ever tasted actually!
So now we're home, back to reality- and I'm still left to wonder- what exotic breed of people actually spend two thousand dollars on a sun dress, or nine hundred on a pair of ballerina flats? I'm perfectly happy to keep up my bargain shopping and come home with that "treasure" that I've been waiting to go on clearance- after all, a girl doesn't have to spend over five dollars to treat herself- sometimes the best feeling comes from finding the best deal around! -Like the bargain I brought home from the extravagant mall I visited today- a tub of shea butter scented cream - 75% off- I spent $2.50. now that's living the good life! Two happy boys, a husband that got to hear the good news that our bank account hasn't been overdrawn from my wild shopping spree, and I didn't come home empty handed. It was a great day.
so we took the subway from the north side, over to the prudential section of Boston- and went to the ritziest mall ever... just for kicks we took the kids into a few shops that we wanted to window shop in- Tiffany's, Gucci, Coach, Louis Vatton, Sac's Fifth Ave, etc. the prices blew me away- can you believe that some people out there in the world will spend over $400 on a TANK TOP? we're talking about a tank top that looked like it should cost $5 tops. I found a dress that was so cute at Gucci- only to find the price dramatically reduced and still waay out of my price range- $1,995. for a SUNDRESS!! we were checking out the shoes, and admiring the extravagant colors and styles, when Carson realized the buzz was all about shoes.
So he sat down on a stool, and posed his sneaker (dirty and untied as it was) right beside a polished leather stiletto (yeah- over a grand for that one too) and said
"oh, its so cute!"
I guess after hearing mommy and Ashley shopping, this was the comment that the kids picked up on as being universally accepted as the thing to say.
We stopped on our walk back from the train to meet daddy and Shawn (Ashley's husband) at the base, and got some ice cream at the world renowned Mikes pastry shop- the best ice cream I've ever tasted actually!
So now we're home, back to reality- and I'm still left to wonder- what exotic breed of people actually spend two thousand dollars on a sun dress, or nine hundred on a pair of ballerina flats? I'm perfectly happy to keep up my bargain shopping and come home with that "treasure" that I've been waiting to go on clearance- after all, a girl doesn't have to spend over five dollars to treat herself- sometimes the best feeling comes from finding the best deal around! -Like the bargain I brought home from the extravagant mall I visited today- a tub of shea butter scented cream - 75% off- I spent $2.50. now that's living the good life! Two happy boys, a husband that got to hear the good news that our bank account hasn't been overdrawn from my wild shopping spree, and I didn't come home empty handed. It was a great day.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
My sister in law Rachael is getting married on August 4th, and she's asked Carson to be her ring bearer. Francesca (there are a few pictures of her on here somewhere) Carson's cousin is the flower girl, so today Francesca's mom (Cynthia) and I took the kids shopping for their outfits. Rachael is having a super laid back beach wedding at a gazebo in New Jersey, so we knew we were looking for a linen type look- nothing too frilly. We lucked out, and managed to find the most adorable linen dress for Francesca that exactly matches Carson's linen pants. We found them sandals that coordinate well, and will be picking them up this week (gotta wait for those great sales!!) I'm so excited for the wedding- the two of them are going to be adorable!! Francesca is very sure of what is supposed to happen- she grabs Carson's hand and tells him "Okay, Carson, its time for us to go over THERE now. let's go okay?." and they walk together wherever she leads. I think they'll do just fine on her lead!! I'll be posting pictures of his new outfit soon.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Look Alike!!
Chatty Tuesday
This morning when we got up Carson and Logan immediately spotted a cute little robin outside our patio window. They were studying it for a moment before Carson ran to get my attention as I was making breakfast saying- "mommy- come see! its a very mysterious bird outside, come and see it!" of course, it wasn't too mysterious at all, but it did hop around in and out of the bushes and the kids thought it was great.
This afternoon I fed the kids left over spaghetti from last night (it wasn't very good because I didn't have enough spaghetti sauce for the amount of noodles that I cooked.)
But Carson, being the ever encouraging child that he has been lately took one bite and asked-
"How did you get this scrumptious, scrumptious sauce in here ?" I answered that I had dumped a bottle of ready made sauce into the noodles.
"how many bottles did you use?" Carson wanted to know.
"two." I answered.
"well," Carson said looking at the food in front of him, "maybe next time you can use four."
Logan had been quite loud all throughout lunch time, and finally my elder boy had had enough of it. He looked at his brother with a smile and used a line he'd probably been thinking up all afternoon- "shut your voice mail."
I don't know where kids come up with the things they do, but I'm glad that I'm hearing it first hand- its a blast!
This afternoon I fed the kids left over spaghetti from last night (it wasn't very good because I didn't have enough spaghetti sauce for the amount of noodles that I cooked.)
But Carson, being the ever encouraging child that he has been lately took one bite and asked-
"How did you get this scrumptious, scrumptious sauce in here ?" I answered that I had dumped a bottle of ready made sauce into the noodles.
"how many bottles did you use?" Carson wanted to know.
"two." I answered.
"well," Carson said looking at the food in front of him, "maybe next time you can use four."
Logan had been quite loud all throughout lunch time, and finally my elder boy had had enough of it. He looked at his brother with a smile and used a line he'd probably been thinking up all afternoon- "shut your voice mail."
I don't know where kids come up with the things they do, but I'm glad that I'm hearing it first hand- its a blast!
Monday, June 4, 2007
a family thing
Today was a different kind of day- it started raining a little bit during breakfast, but the day didn't look too extremely yucky. At 11 am Nate walked in the door- he had the day off from work so that he could get the cars fixed- a nice surprise. (we've been having some car trouble in the past week with both of our vehicles.)
We decided to drop off both vehicles at the same time and then take the kids for a walk from the mechanic's shop and go to the Christian book store down the street, but by the time we arrived the rain showers had turned to a downpour. Nathan dropped us off at home, and drove back to the shop to wait out the repairs. I put the kids to bed and turned on a movie, wondering how Nathan's day was going. an hour later the door opened, and I got a glance of my husband- honestly he looked like he had just jumped in a lake. he walked the 5 miles home from the repair shop in the hardest rain fall of the entire season thus far. We both busted up laughing as soon as he stepped in the door. it was unbelievable.
The rest of the day was full of silly jokes and laughter, everyone was in a good mood and rested and enjoyed having daddy home for most of the day.
This evening, as Logan played on the living room floor, I sat on the couch beside Carson and Nathan watching TV. Carson, sitting between Nathan and I put his little arms around my waist and tried to wedge his hand behind daddy's bigger frame.
"why are you poking me in the side?" Nathan asked him
"I'm just putting my arm around you" Carson answered.
"why?" Nathan asked.
Carson answered quickly, his little face lifted up to explain to daddy-
"I'm just trying to do a family thing."
"you're alright son." Nathan said with a grin on his face. "so are you daddy." Carson said. "so are you."
We decided to drop off both vehicles at the same time and then take the kids for a walk from the mechanic's shop and go to the Christian book store down the street, but by the time we arrived the rain showers had turned to a downpour. Nathan dropped us off at home, and drove back to the shop to wait out the repairs. I put the kids to bed and turned on a movie, wondering how Nathan's day was going. an hour later the door opened, and I got a glance of my husband- honestly he looked like he had just jumped in a lake. he walked the 5 miles home from the repair shop in the hardest rain fall of the entire season thus far. We both busted up laughing as soon as he stepped in the door. it was unbelievable.
The rest of the day was full of silly jokes and laughter, everyone was in a good mood and rested and enjoyed having daddy home for most of the day.
This evening, as Logan played on the living room floor, I sat on the couch beside Carson and Nathan watching TV. Carson, sitting between Nathan and I put his little arms around my waist and tried to wedge his hand behind daddy's bigger frame.
"why are you poking me in the side?" Nathan asked him
"I'm just putting my arm around you" Carson answered.
"why?" Nathan asked.
Carson answered quickly, his little face lifted up to explain to daddy-
"I'm just trying to do a family thing."
"you're alright son." Nathan said with a grin on his face. "so are you daddy." Carson said. "so are you."
Sunday, June 3, 2007
weekly quotes
"the suspense is killing me!" (wondering if dad was going to be home when we arrived)
"its a competition to the death!" (battle with a caterpillar and his water gun.)
"you need to help me destroy the whole city" (imaginary city with our water guns)
"I'm four... and I don't have a girlfriend." (he's still only three, and was talking to a family friend that he's never met before.)
"excuse me" -usually he says "excuse YOU" every time... we finally had a breakthrough this week!
"oh geez"
"I got YOU." - when he kissed me back after me getting him good... repeating slowly and clearly what I had just said.
"the suspense is killing me!" (wondering if dad was going to be home when we arrived)
"its a competition to the death!" (battle with a caterpillar and his water gun.)
"you need to help me destroy the whole city" (imaginary city with our water guns)
"I'm four... and I don't have a girlfriend." (he's still only three, and was talking to a family friend that he's never met before.)
"excuse me" -usually he says "excuse YOU" every time... we finally had a breakthrough this week!
"oh geez"
"I got YOU." - when he kissed me back after me getting him good... repeating slowly and clearly what I had just said.
Friday, June 1, 2007
all played out

The weather has been so nice- hot every single day, that we've been spending a lot of time running around outdoors lately. I was teaching on this evening, and daddy was spending time with the boys. I was really impressed with the sound level in the next room- it was so quiet and peaceful for the entire lesson. I went out to see what activity daddy had involved the kids with this evening, and this is the scene that greeted me. all three of my boys, completely knocked out and splayed across the couch. I took three pictures with flash and all... and not one of them even flinched!
I don't like my haircut!!

Okay, he's just a clown. not really angry!! I think he got this posing deal from his cousin Francesca, she is only 3 months older than Carson, but she is completely different from him. Whenever a camera appears, Francesca begins striking poses faster and with more energy than any real-life TV shoot I've ever witnessed... (if there is a such thing as a real life TV show... lol)... so cute. So when Carson saw my camera, he tried to do the same thing, only we got some crazy faces and a lot of action shots... I don't think Carson gets the idea of a still picture yet!!
Logan's first haircut!!

after a year and a half of waiting for Logan's hair to grow in enough to call it a headful, we finally noticed that the back was looking like a mullet. so on Saturday, May 26th, Logan got his very first trim! he sat very still on daddy's knee, made funny faces (pictured here) and listened intently to the sound of the scissors snipping away at his wisps of hair. When Aunt Natalie had finished the trim there was only a tiny bit on the floor to show for it- a far cry from Carson's first haircut that filled the entire dustpan! I love Logan's haircut, he looks pretty much the same but less scruffy, which is always good!
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